Plastic Surgery Procedures In Singapore

Top 5 Plastic Surgery Procedures In Singapore

Plastic Surgery Procedures In Singapore

Plastic surgery has been a rage for the past decade. It seems like everyone is dabbling in it, from celebrities to Instagram influencers. However, it is essential to keep in mind that there is a risk to plastic surgery. Our experts at the WC Ong Plastic Surgery would like you to be aware of the dangers because forewarned is forearmed. With that out of the day, here are the top five cosmetic surgical procedures that are extremely popular globally.

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation procedures are the most popular cosmetic surgery option globally. Over 3,00,000 breast augmentation procedures are performed in America in a year. Breast augmentation is done for several reasons. It can be done for enlargement, for reduction, better shape, correct asymmetry, and replace missing breast. 

Women often opt for surgery due to a pre-pubescent condition called congenital macromastia. After the completion of the surgery, you will need around two weeks to return to regular activity. 


Eyelid reshaping surgery is often done to improve vision in patients and not just for cosmetic reasons. Often individuals might have too much skin or sagging skin along the eyelid, which can cause impairment of visions. Eyelids can also suffer from puffiness or wrinkles. Fat pads or bags under the eyes are also a problem that requires a cosmetic surgeon. The recovery period is around a fortnight; however, swelling might persist for a couple of months. 


This is also known as the tummy tuck or a lower body lift. Abdominoplasty removes excess skin from the abdomen, which causes the tightening of the remaining skin. This surgery is ideal for women post-pregnancy and for individuals who have lost a lot of weight following bariatric surgery. Patients may resume normal activities in three weeks, but it is essential to understand that the ideal candidate shouldn’t have excess fat deposits in the abdomen. 


Rhinoplasty or a nose job is the surgical procedure to reshape the nose. You can bring perfect balance to your face with a bit of reshaping of the nose. This, therefore, comes as no wonder that rhinoplasty is popular among both men and women. Depending on the existing condition, the surgeon may reduce the nose’s overall size or refine specific areas of the nose for a more pleasing appearance. 

Beyond the cosmetic requirement, rhinoplasty is often required when there is a case of breathing problems due to a deviated septum. You will need around 10-days of rehabilitation after surgery. 

Forehead lift

A forehead lift is a type of facelift procedure to improve the facial profile. The surgeon will pull the forehead tight, which will remove the wrinkles and the creases. Keep in mind a forehead lift can also correct cases of drooping eyebrows, forehead furrows, frown lines, and hooded lids. The eyebrows can also get a touch-up and elevation for a more youthful appearance. Most patients can resume activities after 10-days following a forehead lift. However, the rehab duration can be longer, depending on the type of surgery performed.

These are some of the popular cosmetic surgery options. Choose your specialist carefully and welcome the “new” you! 

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