link building techniques

Top 15 Best Link Building Techniques Which Really Works And Boosts Your SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the procedure to increase the quantity and quality of traffic to your webpage through the organic search engine results.

In other words, it is a set of guidelines which can be followed by webpage (blog) owners to enhance their websites for search engines and hence, improve their search engine rankings.

In this world of the fast-growing market, SEO marketing is of more importance than ever. Search engines handle billions of users every day looking for solutions to their problems or answers to their long-pending questions.

It plays a vital role in today’s world as more than 44% of the population makes use of the internet to search for many things on the World Wide Web ( www).

Hence, boosting one’s search engine optimization is a dire need in today’s time. This is one important thing that if your business gets this you’ll have many leads that no other kind of advertising can make happen.

Search Engine Optimization

Link building is a major aspect of search engine optimization that you has to know. Link Building is a course of achieving hyperlinks from other web pages to your own, significantly increasing the number of quality links on your website which will indirectly increase your scope of ranking well. It helps in building relationships, sending referral traffic and brand building.

Link building also ensures that your webpage has the worthiness to be linked with. In the field of search engine optimization, link building describes actions aimed at increasing the number and quality of links to a website with the goal of achieving the highest ranking in the search engine for that page or website.

Back in the days’ link building was considered an easy task but with the fast-developing world and growing competition, one has to think of new link building techniques every now and then in order to keep a hold of the traffic to their websites.


More links—Increased value– –-Higher ranking– –-Happy work master


Top 15 Link Building Techniques

Link Building Techniques

1. Internal Linking

These are the links that help you to jump from one page to another on the same webpage. Internal links are a smart and easy way to direct people towards a deeper understanding of your webpage.

  • It helps to increase the traffic and boost the older content/blog.
  • Advances the page authorization and pass the link impartially to other pages.
  • Helps to reduce the total bounce rate of the webpage.


2. “2018” Uplift

Users always go for clicking on the current and revised posts, therefore by including the present year; you can increase the potential of getting the backlinks.

For example;

We have two posts:

  •    Best link building strategies for 2017
  •    Best link building strategies for 2018

It is undeniable that the user will check on the ‘Best link building strategy for 2018’ in order to feed him/her with the latest information.


3. Creating links with trusted websites

Link building in seo

The internet is flooding with tons of spam pages and Google has devoted itself to remove them out and only enlist the trusted sites within their search result pages.

Building links from the trusted web pages are one of the most important steps towards building your site’s authority provided by the SEO Company. When a webpage has backlinks from the dependable site, it informs the search engine that they are an authority on that subject.

For example :

If there is a mention of Wikipedia on any particular blog, then it will automatically increase its backlink count and site authenticity


4. Info-graphics for link baits

Creating info-graphics is another way to advertise links. It is an innovative way to increase your reach. Create your graphics keeping your targeting audience in mind.

  • Stick to a limited number of colors maximum 4 and only 3 types of fonts.
  • You can always add the data charts to enhance your graphics.
  • It is important to write 250-300 word description keeping in mind your target audience.

You can use these sites for creating easy graphics.

  •    Pikto- chart
  •    e-Learning Info-graphics
  •    Reddit
  •    Venngage
  •    Video Info-graphic
  •    Info-graphic database


5. Link Building with social bookmarking sites

Social bookmarking sites

Social bookmarking sites are a platform where users can easily edit, add or share the content over the web help and this will bring you high-quality backlinks that direct lot of traffic to your website.

For example :

  • com

It is a platform for online publishing from where users can read, write, edit and share lengthy content. It is a user-friendly webpage.

  • org

It is one of the most popular online marketing community on which users can find a great number of articles based on their benefited interests.

  • Hubpages

It is an open platform for the users who are passionate about their writers, artists, etc. This platform offers you to be appreciated by the audiences for your creativity.

Some other such websites are:

  •    Reddit
  •    Stumbleupon
  •    Flipboard
  •    Slashdot
  •    Boat


6. Link building with question-based sites

Question-based websites are a great way to increase traffic to your site and create brand awareness and authority of your website. Many people want to ask questions and find their apt answers with accurate information and updates facts.

Examples of question-based sites:

  •    Quora
  •    Yahoo
  •    Answers
  •    Stack Overflow
  •    WikiAnswers
  •    Blurtit
  •    AskDeb
  •    Moz Community


7. Blog commenting to generate backlinks

This is a smart and easy way to gain backlinks from the blog sites if you have time and ability to participate. Always mention your URL while commenting on any industry blog sites.

Advantages of blog commenting:

  • Easily directs more traffic to your site.
  • Gives you a chance to build relationships with many people in your niche.
  • It increases the probability of you being noticed by the blog owners and expands your online business.


  •    It is advised one should post comments often and accurately.
  •    Always keep a check on the grammar and spellings of your comment.
  •    Focus on the topic and don’t drift away from the actual topic.


8. Link roundups

Link roundups are monthly, weekly or daily summaries of the industry’s trending and popular content. These roundups provide a great opportunity to attract traffic to your web portal.

Rightways to do it.

  •    Write a share-worthy post
  •    Find bloggers who publish link roundups
  •    Google advanced search operations.


9. Articles

It may sound a bit old-fashioned approach but still, work wonders. Writing some authentic articles regarding your business can boost your rank. These articles can help you gain increased traffic on your website. It is always important to attach the link to your site to your articles.


10. Video Marketing

Link building strategies

Nowadays video marketing is the most trending and powerful way to invite more viewers to your website. Video can easily manage to bring the message forward to the audience. You can always mention links to your website in your video. YouTube is the most popular site to upload your videos.


11. Pinterest

Pinterest has expanded itself greatly and rapidly in the last few years. More than half of the online active users are using this portal. It offers a great opportunity to share information in picture format. Follow people who are related to your business and more people would follow you.

“It has been studied that 7 out of 10 people have made a purchase after they are redirected to the webpage from Pinterest.”


12. Keep adding new content

Always keep adding updated content on our web portal as the latest information always attract the traffic as people are always in search of trends going viral. This will directly result in the static increase of traffic on your website.


13. Sharing content on social media

Types of link building

Social media is being used by millions of people all over the world. There cannot be a better option for building links for your webpage. Publish your content and let it loose, just keep updating it once a week to give it a required push.


14. Publish industry-specific interviews

You need to interview a right person such as popular celebrity, key influencer or a person with a good number of followers.


  • Do your homework of finding out the valuable topic for the audience.
  • Prepare questions ahead of time.
  • Stay flexible
  • Publish your finding.
  • Promote and re-market


15. Using Google alerts for link reclamation

Link building tools

Google alerts are one of the most powerful and influencing link building tools one can ever come across. Google Alerts allows you to keep track of brand mention across the web.

All the above-mentioned strategies have one thing in common and that is they demand uniqueness in their approach. To quote Bruce Clay, President and Founder of Bruce Clay, Inc. and one of our Link Building Report respondents, “In fishing there are a couple of things you have to do.

1) You have to use the right bait;

2) You have to fish where the fish are. That is link building. You have to come up with something that your community cares about and then put it in front of them.”


Author Bio:

Manish Kumar is a digital marketer and versed blogger. He has been working in this field for some time now and knows how to balance creativity and technical side of content. He loves to write blogs endlessly and share his knowledge & experiences with others. Presently he is working for an SEO company named

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