Give Customers What They Want, When, Where And How They Want

Give Customers What They Want, When, Where And How They Want

“Customers can’t or shouldn’t participate much in the innovation process”. It’s a myth. Break the myth. Turn your company into a customer platform  that allows customers to create their own experience and value. It actually helps companies come closer to achieving the ideal of giving customers what they want, when, where and how they want it.

Here are the 4 steps:

1. Let customers create their own experience.

2. Customers that build together, buy together.

3. Rethink your innovation competencies.

4.  Pay close attention to customer-created apps.

Read the complete article here. Adapted from “Turn your Company into a Customer Platform”, HBR

More References:

How To Create Products Hand In Hand With Your Customer,Fast Company

Experience Co-creation, HBR

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