How Technology Will Change Education By 2028

With better aggregation of student metrics, more efficient data sharing and more visual assessment results, Cloud-based Education will be the rule, not the exception by 2020.

And by 2024, a Google+ or Skype-like technology will be supporting a truly mobile learning where moving from a learning studio to a community will be as simple as moving from one side of the classroom to another.

Do all of them sound too futuristic? No, it should not. Technology is changing at a rapid pace, so much so that it’s challenging to grasp. Technology is not just a tool; it has become a standard and matter of credibility.

Imagine your life without Google. Google has completely transformed our life. It powers Android smartphones, hosts not just videos but full-on learning channels, stores all of your personal communication in the cloud, has leap-frogged Skype with Google+ Hangouts. And all these have happened in the last 15 or so years.

So, in next 15 years expect learners  responding to peers, mentors, families, and experts in a socially-embraced collaborative pattern, Schools as we know them getting outnumbered  by eLearning, blended learning, and self-directed learning platforms. Who knows full on virtual worlds will be the reality by 2028.

Adapted From:  30 Incredible Ways Technology Will Change Education By 2028

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