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How To Manage A Low-Budget AdWords Campaign

AdWords remains an excellent platform to promote products or services. The ads are displayed based on a contextualization of results that are activated precisely, from a search action by the user.

And although they seem “invisible” to more or less experienced users, according to Google’s own data, depending on the type of keyword from 6 to 17% of users , they click on the ads.

Now, in addition to this we must bear in mind that with the entry of large accounts and agencies in the ring, some years ago the price of the click has been gradually increasing.

Therefore, for small or very small companies, which also do not have the necessary knowledge to correctly configure a campaign; It is very difficult not to think that AdWords only serves to throw money. As you don’t set up and manage your AdWords campaign well, you will be losing money with total security. Best google adwords advertising agencies combine performance-based pricing with a base rate or minimum rate per month.

You may have thought to spend 1 $ for each click and the minimum auction will be 5 or 10$. For that, if you use the Google gift coupon. Use it to “burn it” the first few days to find out the real demand of your ads.


1. Keyword Planner

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In order to get off to a good start, it is necessary to have an approximate idea of ​​the potential demand for the keywords we want to bid on. Google’s “memory” is the best clue we have.

With the Keyword Planner tool we can get an idea of ​​what is the local and general demand for these terms. The only problem with this tool is that it does not measure future or potential demands. For example, for new products or releases.


2. Keyword Match

There are 5 types of matches for keywords in AdWords:

Broad match: The ad will appear in searches for similar phrases or variations close to the chosen keyword.
Keyword: running shoes
Searches that can match: running shoes, running shoes, buy running shoes

Broad match modifier: The ad is shown on searches that include the broad match keyword or slight variations.
Keyword: + buy + shoes (with the symbol + attached to the word)
Searches that can match: buy shoes, where to buy shoes, best shoe to buy

Phrase match: The ad is shown only when the search includes the exact phrase or variations of the exact phrase, with other words before or after it.
Keyword: “ buy shoes ” (enclosed in quotes)
Searches that can match: where to buy shoes, buy running shoes, buy cheap shoes

Exact match: The ad is shown only on searches that use the exact phrase or variations of this exact phrase and no other words.
Keyword: [ buy shoes ] (enclosed in square brackets) Matching
search: buy shoes, share shoes

Negative match: The ad is not shown on searches that include the term.
Keyword: – cheap (with a symbol – attached to the word)
Searches that will not match: buy cheap shoes, where to buy cheap shoes

Knowing the possibilities of agreement that exist in AdWords will allow us to measure exactly what searches our ad will appear on.

Obviously, we must establish a balance between spending little and making sure that our ad is at least shown. If we only have exact matches and negative keywords, our ads will have poor visibility.


3. Landing Page

AdWords analyzes the page to which the ad is directed. If your page is directly related to the ad and shares texts and keywords, this will result in a better quality of your keywords.

This will allow you to pay a lower price per click than another that is bidding for the same word but has a lower quality score . In addition, it will allow your ads to be better positioned in the placement options.

Within the landing page too, it is essential. What we say fundamental; mandatory, mark a conversion traceability and configure it in Tools and Analysis within the Conversion Tracking .

Remember that Google lives on clicks but you live on sales . Then, from now on, stop thinking about price per click and get ready to study the price per single conversion.


4. Campaign And Ad Group Settings

One of the most common mistakes that cost more money is to treat different types of campaigns in a unique way. Keywords do not behave the same in a campaign for the Red Display as for the Search Network.

And within these, the different options (segmentation by mobile devices, display ads, etc.) also determine a different behavior.

So, since Google does not charge (yet) for the number of campaigns or ad groups created, use them to configure the keywords and targeting of each type.

For example: instead of campaigning “Fruits” and entering keywords of “apples”, “oranges” and “watermelons”; you can make a campaign for each fruit and then segment the intentions according to the device and type of campaign (more direct and geographically segmented mobile, on the Display Network a little more generic, on the Search Network of a more corporate nature, etc. ).


5. Segmentation Possibilities

In relation to the above also, one of the first things you have to consider is when, how and where it suits you to show your ad. If you do not sell throughout Spain, geographically limit your area of ​​influence.

If you sell in regions where Spanish is a co-official language, it is a good idea to also generate a campaign for each language (Catalan, Basque, Galician, etc.).

And also, if your conversions are boosted in a specific time slot, use your budget for those hours. Although with this you lose visual strength and impressions. Remember that what you are trying to do is lower your budget.


6. Auction Price

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Google obviously lives almost exclusively on its AdWords profit. And try to get the most out of your advertising tool that by the way, accounts for almost 83% of all online advertising worldwide.

For this reason, the suggestions on keywords or auction price is (within the logic) that allows them to ensure a profit sometimes, above the market reality.

While paying attention to the final objective results, see if you are not compensated to pay a little less than the suggested click. Although this means not being in preferential positions in the results.

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