6 Tips To Start A Successful YouTube Channel
Building a successful YouTube channel takes a lot of preparation and a good strategy. We have put together 7 tips for you to make your YouTube channel a complete success.
How To Start A Successful Youtube Channel
1. Preview Images As A Best Way To Get Attention
Especially if your YouTube channel is still relatively unknown, there is the greatest chance for you to generate new viewers and subscribers via the YouTube search results.
So if you can get prospects to watch your video, the chances are that they will get onto your YouTube channel if they like it.
To make users curious about the video in the search results, screenshots or even better specially designed preview images are best suited to make the target group curious about your video.
2. The Right Tags
In order for your video to be displayed in the search results at all, you should optimize the video in advance so that YouTube considers it relevant enough and displays it when you enter a certain search term.
To ensure this, all important tags should be integrated into the video upload.
A little tip at this point:
First, take a look at which tags related YouTubers use. Since 2015, however, this has only been done via a small detour, as YouTube no longer displays the tags used under the respective video. But if you go to the page source text (right click: “Show page source text”) and search for the term “keywords”, you will find all the tags used for the video in question.
Here you can find more detailed information on the topic of “YouTube Tags”.
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3. Upload Videos Regularly At Fixed Times
It’s like television: many successful programs live from the fact that they always run at the same time and thus bind viewers to the respective broadcaster at certain times.
It’s no different with YouTube. Successful channels benefit enormously from luring their viewers to their channel at fixed times because the viewers know that there is a new video.
On the one hand, you can quickly bind new people to your channel and at the same time keep your workflow and your motivation for producing new videos high.
4. Actively Involve The Viewer
By including their own viewers, they get the feeling of being actively involved in the form of interaction at all times. At the same time, you create a certain closeness to your viewers, which usually has a significant effect on the success of your own channel.
Commenting on your own user comments is very popular. You can also respond directly to questions, requests and complaints at this point.
5. Cooperations With Other YouTube Channels
Cooperation with other YouTube channels is usually a win-win situation. Both sides benefit from the viewers of the respective other channel and, ideally, can win them quickly and easily as new viewers of their own channel.
Such a cooperation can e.g. This can be done, for example, by naming the other channel in the video itself, by linking it in the info box or by teasers on the respective social media platforms.
Of course, not only should other YouTube channels be teased in this way, but attention should also be drawn to your own videos.
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6. YouTube Advertising To Increase Reach
Making your own YouTube channel known often takes a certain amount of time, as the channel first has to be made known to a wide audience in the respective target group.
In order to accelerate this process, however, there is the possibility of a kind of self-promotion on YouTube. For a fee, it is possible for YouTube to place your videos in the “Related Videos” category in the right sidebar under “Popular Videos” if potential interested parties watch related videos.