Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions
Every year, we make a list of the things that we should do or the habits we should either make or break and finally at the end of each year we evaluate if we have achieved our goals.
It is certainly the greatest guideline that we have in our lives because we make them ourselves without the need to ask for other peoples’ opinion.
Hopefully, you have already constructed your New Year’s resolution to help you start the year 2011 with great objectives in mind. If not, then let me help you out with my own top ten New Year’s resolution. Who knows, it might suit you as well!
If you use this pattern in creating your New Year’s Resolution then your chances of attaining your goal will surely increase.
1. Lose A Pound Per Week
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If you will only say “lose weight” then you will be imagining things like dancing at the back of Katy Perry on her California Gurlz music video wearing daisy dukes and bikinis on top.
In order to be realistic, you should set a numerical value as to how much weight you are planning to drop. Losing weight is such a great achievement and surely does not happen overnight or in a matter of days.
With weight loss comes along proper diet and physical exercise to get the body you’ve always wanted.
2. Stop Procrastinating
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Seriously, there’s really no need to measure that out! Let’s just stick with the saying, “Time is Gold” and you’ll probably figure that out yourself!
3. Save Money
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It really depends on how much you earn per month, you can save 5% of your monthly income, 10% or even more if you like! If you’re still a student then you might want to do the same with your daily, weekly or monthly allowance.
By the end of each year (or emergency situations like you need to buy medicine, school stuff) you’ll have money at hand without asking from anybody.
4. Improve Cooking Skills
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Cooking is a vital skill in every household, when you only know how to fry everything then that would be very unhealthy. You should invest in a local cooking lesson or if you want to have a free tutorial, ask your mom!
5. Join A Book Club
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Reading is a fantastic way to explore the things we physically can’t. To learn from the writer’s point of view and just to have fun. Reading a good book is a very good investment!
You can increase knowledge, improve your vocabulary and even more exciting when you’re sharing your thoughts with a group who shares the same interest!
6. Smile More
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A smile can brighten up one’s day! It is also very contagious! As the quote says, “Don’t frown. You never know you might fall in love with your smile!”
7. Always Say “Thank You” And “Please”
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I know everybody should be doing these, but it seems like more and more people are forgetting how to say these two words.
It’s time you start (or resume) being nice again and surely saying these words will make a difference in your relationships with other people.
8. Never Say A Single Bad Word
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It might seem to be already part of every human’s vocabulary. Some even put it in acronyms, but literally, it’s still a bad word or phrase. Start eradicating this very nasty habit so you’ll be a good example to the younger generations too!
9. Learn To Compliment Others More Often
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A compliment can really make someone feel good, so compliment more often. Just be sure to compliment what needs to be complimented and not plain sarcasm.
10. Work Harder And Excel At School And At The Work Place
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If you have a general goal of finishing something within a certain date then convince yourself that you can do it! Write it down on paper and place it somewhere where you can see it every day (like the fridge, door, and ceiling or on your table). If you believe in yourself then you can surely do it!
These are my New Year’s Resolutions, what’s yours?