3 New Online Marketplaces Better Than Craigslist
There was a time when Craigslist tulsa was a highly successful and popular website. And why not you can display as many ads as you wanted. Texts and images would take you to place. You need not even disclose your email address. So, very convenient.
But thirty years down the lines, and the website has lost all it’s charm. There are so many misleading ads and pornography content that it is hard to believe that they were such a genuine website earlier.
Now, since the internet is evolving and new marketplaces have been opening up. Thus, there are many such money laundering cases which are known to exploit public like anything.
Thus, we all need to be double sure and take care while sending or exchanging money with one another.
Some Of The Authentic Websites Which Have Quickly Emerged As The Replacement For Tulsa Craigslist Are Given Below :
1. Poshmark Guarantee
Here you need to upload the picture of the product which you would be selling. Upload the picture, update the price and then wait for the buyer.
Poshmark is known to provide a pre paid and pre addressed label which is placed on the box on which the item will be collected from the seller and dispatched to the buyer. The seller only need to bring the product to the post office or let USPS collect the same.
Next, Poshmark also organizes “Posh Parties” where seller can list the items to be sold under a specific theme or brand.
Plus, there is “Posh Protect” where buyers would have the item replaced or picked up if there is any undisclosed issue or the product does not match the seller’s description.
Other than this, “Poshmark authenticate” is another way of verifying that the item which you are purchasing is exactly same the item which is listed on the website.
2. Letgo For The Locals
One of the major USP of craigslist Tulsa was the localization. Letgo also uses the same philosophy. Here you interact with the local sellers and see what all is available at the vicinity.
Letgo places the products to be sold according to categories and specifications. Plus, it allows buyer and seller to meet and check the product and then only facilitate selling.
Unlike Tulsa Craigslist here buyer and sellers and ranked and reviews are also shared so that you know what the other person is.
3. Facebook Marketplace
This works on the power of facebook. Here you can see different categories of product which are divided on the basis of geographical location.
So, within 100 miles, you can see the products which are sold. Here you have to give your buying preferences and also choose if you are trusting the product or not.
There might or might not be shipping charges and this completely depends on the buyer itself. Also, this will work only when you logged onto facebook.
Facebook logging is a kind of verification step. But there are some problems with this marketplace. There is no way of ensuring the quality or complaining about the defective product.
But this one is still gaining popularity because of the facebook and social media networking.
So, above given marketplaces are perfect alternatives to craigslist tulsa. They are all updated and are performing far better than the former one. Let us know if you have used any of these.