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WITS Zen is an initiative to bring the Web. Internet. Technology & Social innovations and innovative news to global WITS enthusiasts, practitioners, prospective customers, business partners, and investors, eventually inspiring the inventing entrepreneurs into technology venturing and entrepreneurship. WITS stands for Web. Internet. Technology & Social innovations.
WITS Zen keeps you abreast of news, views, reviews, articles in the domains of Web. Internet. Technology and Social Commerce/ Media industry. And, whatever acquisitions, tie-ups, start-ups, deals, happen, we provide all the updates to our readers. WITS Zen strives towards making this information hub to a communication platform from budding ones to successful entrepreneurs and business communities keeping pace with WITS.
You can submit your story or article related to Entrepreneurship, Your start-Up, Technology, Product Launch, Events, Business, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Tech News and Tech Blogs.
Guidelines to submit:
- Make sure your story has minimum of 500 words.
- Story must be with correct grammar. Check this guest stories for an example of the level of writing.
- Write original content with relevant examples.
- You may embed Images, Videos if necessary, also don’t forget to give credit to owners if its copied.
- We accept one or two back links, but make sure your story don’t contain self-promotion stunt.
- Share high resolution cover image along with interesting story title.
That’s it. It’s quite easy to see your story on You can also include your short bio at the end of the story for our readers.
How to submit?
Quite easy. If you have understood above guidelines, you can submit your story at along with cover image and interesting title.
We will publish it if the story meets our criteria, else we will get in touch with you to let you know about changes.
And Finally, Remember that
The back links should not be redirect to Pornography, Gambling, Lottery, illegal activity and malware sites.
For any further query feel free to contact us by filling up the details below:
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