Full Stack Development

7 Tools And Technologies For Full Stack Development

There are several full-stack developer tools and technologies that you need to learn to make your work easier when creating a website or mobile app. From management apps to IDEs, you’ll come across a plethora of options to select from. That is why sometimes it gets quite confusing for a developer.

Full-stack development is becoming popular every day and if you wish to start a career in the same, you can enroll yourself with a job guarantee full-stack developer course to learn about different tools and technologies, and how to apply them in building your next big app or website.

Now let’s look at some of these tools and technologies beginning with Codepen


Codepen is a web development environment designed primarily for front-end developers and web designers. You must be skilled in both front-end and back-end programming to be a full-stack engineer. CodePen is the front-end solution for you. It features a vibrant front-end developer community where you can share your work.

So What Does It Do Exactly?

CodePen simplifies the creation and deployment of websites. Vue.js and React are among the frameworks and libraries it supports. As a result, you’ll be working in a flexible and helpful growth environment. The user interface is very simple to learn.

In addition, Its capabilities allow you to make changes to your website’s design considerably more rapidly and efficiently. You can also use its prefill API method to add additional pages without having to write new code.

1. Visual Studio Code

If you want to become a full-stack developer, this free and powerful tool is a must-have. VS Code is a powerful source code editor with a plethora of capabilities. It includes code refactoring, syntax highlighting, and a slew of other useful tools that make Visual Studio a must-have.

It is a Microsoft product that may be used with a variety of languages and frameworks, including Rust, JavaScript, and Ruby. Its IntelliSense feature intelligently completes code based on variables, functions, and modules. It also allows for the integration of Git and GitHub.

2. Backbone

This tool provides structure to JavaScript code. It converts data into models that you can handle more easily. It is ideal for creating one-page applications and assists you in keeping your code tidy and simple.

Backbone also allows you to build custom events for your models. It also includes a collection of tutorials to help you get started. Its models make it easy to update your code.

This tool can make app creation easier for you.

3. TypeScript

This is a typed superset for Javascript. It generates clean JS that may be executed on any browser or device. As a full-stack developer, you will spend a significant amount of time creating Javascript code. TypeScript allows you to compile that code for improved application performance. It includes a number of capabilities that aid with static code verification.

It works on numerous platforms and supports several JS libraries. Being open-source, this tool is constantly updated, making it even smoother and more efficient.

It will mostly be used for the development of huge applications.

4. WebStorm

This is a JavaScript IDE that makes it easier to develop JS code. It has a number of functions that make the process easier for the user. Code completion and On the fly mistake correction are two of its appealing features. These capabilities allow you to write code quickly and with fewer errors.

It is compatible with many other full-stack development tools among them GitHub and Electron. Another intriguing feature of this tool is the definition finder, which allows you to obtain definitions for any term you search for.

The different color schemes and themes make WebStorm enjoyable to use. The assistance feature is also good, so you won’t have too many troubles if an issue develops.

WebStorm is a good alternative for editing and reviewing.

5. GitHub

According to an InfoWorld article published in December 2020, GitHub has 56 million developers and the figure may hit 100 million by 2025. The platform allows teams to work on projects in real-time. You may use it to host code and collaborate with other developers in your team without misunderstanding if real-time collaboration is allowed.

It reduces errors and makes the coding process more manageable. Microsoft just acquired this technology, which is utilized by some of the world’s largest corporations, including PayPal and IBM.

GitHub features a marketplace of apps and APIs to help you with your tasks. It also has a fantastic developer community that can assist you if you get stuck.

6. Electron

Electron is used for creating desktop applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With this tool, you can also create cross-platform programs.

Some of the popular apps you know about today were created using this tool. For example, Skype is one of the famous desktop apps created with Electron. If you’re familiar with web development, you’ll have no trouble using this tool to create desktop apps. They distribute updates on a regular basis to repair errors and improve the user experience.

7. Slack

Slack is an essential tool for full-stack engineers. It is a communication tool that is frequently used in enterprises since it streamlines their operations. Slack allows you to establish workspaces where you may discuss individual projects with your team members.

It simplifies communication, allowing you to work more effectively with your team members. You’ll be working with a variety of teams as a full-stack developer, so knowing how to use Slack can help you keep your communication in order.


Full-stack development can be difficult, but the tools and technologies mentioned above can assist. You might have noted that the list included a tool for every component of a project. A full-stack developer with access to tools for each task, from communication to coding, will save time and energy.

If you’re interested in learning more about full-stack web development and associated development tools, check out the course offered by Knowledge hut. It will not only equip you with essential information but also supply you with a well-thought-out curriculum. You’ll be able to learn the skill quickly and easily.

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