WebPlatform.org: One-Stop Solution For Web Developers
For years, web developers have had to rely on multiple sites to help them learn web programming or design, each with one piece of the puzzle. Great sites appear, covering one or two subjects, but too often fail to keep up with the rapid pace of changes to the web platform.
The goal of this site is to be the place to come for answers to your trickiest (and simplest) development and design questions about the Open Web Platform. And, this site has the backing of some of the biggest players on the Web: Adobe, Apple, Facebook, Google, HP, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nokia, and Opera.
Which site we are talking about here!!
It is WebPlatform.org , which will have accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive references and tutorials for every part of client-side development and design, with quirks and bugs revealed and explained. Some interesting features in the pipeline are:
- In-depth indicators of browser support and interoperability, with links to tests for specific features.
- Discussions and script libraries for cutting-edge features at various states of implementation or standardization.
- An API to access the structured information for easy reuse.
- Resources for teachers to help them train their students with critical skills
But , these features are about to be introduced. Right now, it has a wiki, docs.webplatform.org, which anyone with an account can edit, and structured templates for ensuring consistency. It has a chat channel and Q&A forums, and a blog.
And, more interestingly, all this material will be available free, for anyone to use for any purpose. Let’s Give it a SHOT.
Welcome to WebPlatform.org.