Weekend Recap:News You Might Have Missed
WITS Zen News for the Week:
- 5 Ways a Minimum Viable Audience Helps You Create a Successful Startup
- 7 Google Chrome Add-ons for Getting More Business Done
- Creativity Lessons from Charles Dickens and Steve Jobs
- 21 Tips to Keep Your Writing Sharp
- 12 Most Important Metrics You Should Monitor on LinkedIn
If you want more useful links than what we highlight here , follow @witszen on Twitter.
5 Ways a Minimum Viable Audience Helps You Create a Successful Startup
As alluded to above, a minimum viable audience (MVA) helps with finding out what people are willing to buy.But for digital media entrepreneurs, a MVA does much more than that, thanks to the power of agile content marketing.
7 Google Chrome Add-ons for Getting More Business Done
These little add-ons, available in dozens of categories, can make your browsing more productive and easier to interface with tools you are already using.
Creativity Lessons from Charles Dickens and Steve Jobs
Experts fret that our public school system doesn’t foster enough creativity in our future workforce. All of which makes it easy to worry that we’ll run out of creative leaders producing creative goods.Yes, as a society, we do need to remake our educational systems to deliver more young people to what Steve Jobs called “the intersection of technology and the humanities”
21 Tips to Keep Your Writing Sharp
Face it every writer has days when they sit down to write and the words just don’t flow onto the page. To help you get your writing on track, here are twenty-one tips to prevent you from getting to the point
12 Most Important Metrics You Should Monitor on LinkedIn
Measuring your progress on LinkedIn will help you stay on track and reach your goals. LinkedIn can be an elephant — and we all know the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Are you measuring those bites?